March To A Different Beat

March To A Different Beat

I’m painfully aware of how my songs and style doesn’t really sit in the current music landscape but I’ve accepted that. I’m happy that I have an outlet for all that stuff that swills around my noggin. Simply put, I march to a different beat.

At the beginning of the 2022 I decided I had got bored of laying out my music out on a grid. I picked up a second hand Tascam 32 track recorder from eBay and went back to my roots. Tracking all instrumentation live (to a click of course, I’m not a savage) on the Tascam, then moving it onto PC to mix down. So if you notice any wobbly bits, good, I meant that!

Finally, following my normal tradition of putting my children to work, the artwork for this release was created by my son Harry. It’s entirely his interpretation of the E.P title and I couldn’t be happier with it.

Released12th June 2022

Available from


Got something you're desperate to tell me? Would you like me to play a show somewhere or maybe help you produce your next release? Drop me a line.