
My music releases and where to get them


Every song I've written, recorded and released


Sometimes I venture out into the world


Back in the late 1990s, when I was blessed with more hair, I was lucky enough to go around the world playing guitar in a band called thirst. We played to a few people here and there, released several singles and an album with San Francisco label Zip Records. It was a good album (still available on Amazon) but eventually me and the band went our separate ways.

I decided to cut my hair and build a recording studio (The Old Blacksmiths) with the help of thirst drummer, Mark. Eleven years passed and over that time I recorded and mixed lots of music for many artists and bands. All was well but in 2012, reality kicked in. Working 7 days a week at the studio, trying to play music, pay the bills and be a good Husband and Dad was taking it’s toll. It was time for change. The recording studio was sold to a lovely chap called Ben (who still runs it today). I returned to the world of I.T and coding as this was my life, before the dreams of being a Rock Star (ish) had come true.

Eight years on, so much code had been written but not a lot of music until the pandemic hit. Given the time and space, I finally remembered why I had got into music in the first place. Starting out in my bedroom as a teenager, recording with a Tascam 4-Track, writing songs for the joy of it. Now much older and a little wiser, I am playing, writing and recording for the escapism and distraction that any art form gives it's creator. Having written and released 5 EPs, 1 album and 26 songs since 2020, I'm not planning on stopping again any time soon.


Got something you're desperate to tell me? Would you like me to play a show somewhere or maybe help you produce your next release? Drop me a line.